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C1.1 General Atomic Structure & Formation Molecules from Atoms

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Semester 1: Foundation of Basic Science
Case 1: Chemistry of Life
Obj 1: General Atomic Structure & Formation Molecules from Atoms

Basic Info about Atoms
Matter = Volume x Mass
Atoms = Nucleus (Protons + Neutrons) + Electrons
Atomic No = no Protons = no Electrons
Nuclear No= no Protons + Neutrons
Volume of Atoms = Volume Electrons'  Shell
Mass of Atoms = Mass Protons + Neutrons
Isotopes = Atoms of same no Protons & Electrons but differ in No Neutrons
Molecule = 2 or more atoms linked by chem bond
Element = Similar atoms in one molecule
Compounds = Differents atoms in one molecule
Energy Level
= electron state of potential energy
= evolve around nucleus
= determine atomic properties
= absorption energy cause electrons move to higher level
= can be transferred (carrying energy) > REDOX REACTIONS
= achieved stability when outermost energy level has 8 electrons
= by electrons'  loss & gain (ionic) / share (covalent)
= contain energy & require energy to form or be broken
=bond energy (as kcal/mole) = energy needed to break a bond
= H-H (436 )  /  C-H (414)  /  C-C (343)  /  C-O (351)
H , O , C , N make up 99+% of atoms in human body
= O (63%)   /   H (25.2%)   /   C (9.5%)   /   N (1.4%)
Q- What property unites H,O,C,N and renders these atoms so appropriate to the chemistry of life
A-Their ability to form covalent bonds by electron-pair sharing


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