Mansoura Manchester Medical Programmes

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C1.5 Concept & Energy Requirement of Chemical Reactions

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Semester 1: Foundation of Basic Science 
Case 1: Chemistry of Life
Obj 5: Concept & Energy Requirement of Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reactions

Picture1A + B = C + D
-the making & breaking of chem bonds,leading to changes in matter composition
-are process in which electrons or group of atoms are taken up into molecules
-activation energy are required ( can be reduced by enzymes)
-divided into 2 types
1)Exergonic reaction  :  net release of free E to surroundings
-chem reactions that release free energy to the surrounding
-Δ G is negative (as it loss energy)
-occur spontaneously
2)Endergonic reaction  :  absorbs free E from surroundings
-chem reaction that absorb free energy from the suurounding
-Δ G is positive (as it gain energy)
-need supplied energy to occur


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