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C1.6 Types of Energy & its Transformations

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Semester 1: Foundation of Basic Science
Case 1: Chemistry of Life
Obj 6: Types of Energy & its Transformations

Energy (E)  =  capacity to do work
  1. Kinetic E – energy of motion
  2. Potential E – stored energy
  3. Mechanical E – the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy present in the components of a mechanical system
  4. Thermal E – internal energy in substance
  5. Electrical E – movement of electron
  6. Magnetic E – energy from magnetic field
  7. Chemical E – energy stored in bonds of atoms and molecules
  8. Nuclear E – energy stored in nucleus of atoms
  9. Light E – Energy of Electromagnetic waves
  10. Sound E – Disturbance of mechanical energy that propagates through matters as wave
Thermodynamic = study of E transformation
Free energy = portion of system’s E that can perform work (at a constant T) / useful energy
Change in the free energy (ΔE) = Heat (q) – work (w)
1st Law of Thermodynamic = conservation of energy,E (transfered & transformed / not created nor detroyed)
2nd Law of Thermodynamic = transformations increase entrophy (S)
(S) Entropy – disorder , randomness , energy wasted
(H) Enthalpy – energy evolved or absorbed by a biological reaction
(G) Free Energy : ΔG = ΔH – TΔS
˜=0 at equilibrium
= -ve at forward reaction (means E release = Exergonic Reaction)
= +ve at reverse reaction (means E gain = Endergonic Reaction)
¤quantity constant
¤quality varies


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